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美洲鲥在美国渔业史上曾起到重要作用,但从19世纪初期开始,建闸筑坝、水域污染以及人们的过度捕捞,造成美洲鲥种群数量急剧下降,目前,美洲鲥在很多地区已经绝迹。然而,经过人们不断的努力,美洲鲥资源渐渐得到修复,每年在切萨皮克地区举行的鲥鱼节,让人们在庆祝这一自然文化财富的同时加深了对美洲鲥的了解。  相似文献   
Two morphologically similar species of gizzard shad, Nematalosa japonica Regan and N. come (Richardson), sympatrically distributed off Okinawa Island, Japan, were examined using an allozyme locus (SOD*) and two nuclear polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA markers (ITS-1 and CaM), which provided diagnostic identification of each species. In addition, a multiplex PCR-based mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) marker (16S) was used to characterize the distribution of mtDNA haplotypes among specimens. The species composition of sympatric and allopatric population samples from Tungkang, southern Taiwan, to Okinawa and the Shikoku Islands, Japan, were also examined. Gizzard shad with hybrid genotypes were detected in three populations from Okinawa Island, with hybrid frequency ranging from 1 to 67%. A backcross level of 2% was detected in the dominant hybrid frequencies of one population sample only. Morphological examination of hybrids showed intermediate forms, with hybrid indices of three meristic characters falling between those of the parental species (range 39–53; mean 45). Although principal component analysis showed differences between N. japonica and N. come based on the first principal component scores, hybrids were difficult to identify. Accordingly, satisfactory identification of species and hybrids could be achieved only using genetic tools. We also discuss the cause of hybridization and its relationship with recently conducted reclamation on Okinawa Island.  相似文献   
Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the effects of suboptimal prey density and length of prey-deprivation period on swimming, feeding, and social behavior in larval American shad. Alosa sapidissima. Replicated prey-density treatments of 1,000, 500, and 0 Artemia nauplii/liter and deprivation periods of 0,2, and 4 days were established for an 8-day period. The duration or frequency of 11 behavior patterns was quantified with an event recorder during the experiment. Exposure to suboptimal prey densities affected three categories of larval behavior: swimming activities (pivot and dart), interaction with other larvae (escape or avoid), and stereotypical feeding responses (sigmoid and lunge). Location of a food patch, simulated by the sudden introduction of prey to aquaria, affected the frequency of feeding responses more than other categories of behavior. The patch model was supported as a foraging strategy in larvae. The ontogeny of prey deprivation was evidenced primarily by changes in swimming activity (reduced pivot and dart frequencies), though feeding responses (particularly fixate) were also diminished. Deprivation-induced loss of pivot and fixate was an irreversible, pathological effect of starvation. Deprivation also resulted in greater vertical orientation (head up, 42°) of larvae than non-deprived larvae (21–29°). These changes in behavior may result in less effective escape from predators, location of food patches, or pursuit and capture of prey items in riverine habitats.  相似文献   
The present study describes the skeletal development and the occurrence of deformities in American shad, Alosa sapidissima, larvae from hatching to 45 days after hatching (DAH). The ontogeny of the vertebral column started at 16 DAH (days after hatching), with the formation of the posterior neural and haemal arches, and was complete at 28 DAH. In comparison, the vertebral centra started to form at 16 DAH, with ossification being visible in all centra at 38 DAH. The pectorals were the only fins that formed before the onset of feeding (at 2 DAH), with ossification being complete at 45 DAH. The caudal fin formed at 5 DAH, with ossification being complete at 40 DAH. Dorsal and pelvic fin development began at 6 DAH and 20 DAH respectively. The ossification of both the dorsal and pelvic fins was visible at 45 DAH. The anal fin began forming at 14 DAH, and was complete at 30 DAH. The ossification of the anal fin was complete at 45 DAH. Overall, 22 types of skeletal deformities were detected in about 41% of individuals. Most anomalies were detected in the haemal region, while the fewest anomalies were detected in the anal fin. In addition, the frequency of deformities gradually increased with fish age at the different developmental stages. Our results are expected to contribute baseline information on how rearing conditions impact skeletal development, in addition to identifying potential causative factors of skeletal deformities.  相似文献   
美洲鲥鱼苗种规模化养殖技术研究--Ⅰ.稚鱼培育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用经过营养强化的卤虫作为开口饵料,采用配合饲料驯化养殖,水温控制在18=20℃,经30d培育,鲥鱼稚鱼规模化培育成活率达到74.6%,敏感期培育成活率达81.7%。稚鱼体质健壮,规格整齐,个体差异小,平均体长3.8cm,平均体重0.047g。  相似文献   
鲥鱼在中国东南近海生殖洄游期间性腺发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲥鱼是名贵的溯河洄游性鱼类,每年春夏之交,沿我国东南近海作生殖洄游,并溯入长江、钱塘江和珠江繁殖。对长江和钱塘江鲥鱼性腺发育的研究,国内已有一些报导,如陆桂等曾记述过钱塘江鲥鱼Ⅳ期和Ⅴ期性腺的外形特征,作者等曾注意过鲥鱼在近海和钱塘江洄游期间的性腺发育。  相似文献   
Population characteristics of gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur), an ecologically important fish species in Midwestern and southern USA impoundments, vary widely among water bodies. Impoundment productivity is known to influence population variables (e.g., recruitment, growth, mortality, size and age composition), but the role of impoundment morphometry (e.g., surface area, depth) is unknown. Differences in population characteristics of gizzard shad were compared between large and small impoundments across an impoundment–productivity gradient (indexed by total phosphorus [TP] concentration). Populations shifted from those comprised mostly of low abundances (indexed by catch per unit effort [CPUE], fish/hr of electric fishing) of long‐lived, large adults to those comprised of high abundances of short‐lived, small adults as TP increased. However, the trends in population variables across the TP gradient were less apparent in small impoundments than in large impoundments owing to considerable variation at a given TP level. Further analysis revealed that CPUE of gizzard shad was lowest in the smallest impoundments (<33 ha surface area) regardless of TP concentrations, probably because of more frequent winter kills. Overall, population characteristics were influenced by both density‐dependent effects and impoundment characteristics. Characteristics of gizzard shad were highly variable among populations, which have important consequences for ecosystem structure and function.  相似文献   
为探索池塘大棚养殖美洲鲥的可行性,采用GLP-832型标准蔬菜大棚、直径6 m的帆布池、黑白遮阳膜和通风控制系统等构建美洲鲥帆布池塘大棚养殖系统,利用河道水开展了美洲鲥养殖试验,通过自动温度记录仪每隔2h记录水温数据,并对该模式的养殖成本和效益进行了分析.结果表明,帆布池塘大棚养殖系统能够保持养殖池水温在9.9~30....  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   Fishing experiments were carried out in Yeongil Bay, Korea using an encircling gill net with four different mesh sizes and two different hanging ratios to measure the mesh selectivity for gizzard shad Konosirus punctatus . Twenty-six trials were conducted giving a total catch of 485 gizzard shad. The 'share each length's catch total' (SELECT) analysis with maximum likelihood method was used to fit the different functional models, the normal, lognormal, and bi-normal model, for a selectivity curve to the catch data. In addition, two cases in which the relative fishing intensity was either estimated or fixed were compared. The bi-normal model with the fixed relative fishing intensity was found to fit the data best. For the selectivity curve on the bi-normal model, the relative length (the ratio of fish length to mesh size) with the maximum efficiency was obtained as 3.70. From this, the focal fish lengths in the commercial encircling gill net, with mesh size ranging from 5.0 to 6.0 cm, were inferred to be 18.5–22.2 cm.  相似文献   
Cyprinids have pharyngeal teeth for grinding food before swallowing and a continuous gut with no discrete stomach. This digestive tract structure, as well as the feeding behavior traits shown by cyprinids, makes it difficult to identify and measure the amount of food consumed by these fishes. The relations among quantity of food in cyprinid gut, time after feeding and predator size were described by log-linear multiple regression. The number of intact American shad (Alosa sapidissima (Wilson)) larvae eaten in laboratory experiments was estimated by extrapolating the regression for the amount of food in the gut over time for predators of various size. The numbers of larval American shad in guts of fish captured in the Juniata River, Pennsylvania, were not significantly different from those estimated with the equations derived from laboratory data. In view of their abundance in rivers and their potential digestion rate for larval fish, cyprinids can be expected to have a marked influence on reducing the numbers of larval American shad.  相似文献   
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